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- 1-BEDROOM (56)
- Alabin apartment
- Benkovski Apartment
- Breza II Apartment
- Central Park Apartment
- Dondukov 1 apartment
- Graf Ignatiev Apartment
- Lili apartment
- Lozenetz II Apartment
- Marie Apartment
- Martin apartment
- Mitesh apartment
- Mladost apartment
- Mladost I apartment
- Pop Bogomil 1 Apartment
- Pop Bogomil 19 apartment
- Skobelev 2
- Skobelev apartment
- Sofia Land apartment
- Vasil Levski Apartment
- 2-BEDROOM (59)
- Bacho Kiro apartment
- Benkovski 2 apartment
- Buxton suits 17
- Dondukov 2 apartment
- Julia apartment
- Lavele apartment
- Lozenets Apartment
- Modern apartment next to Vitosha blvd.
- Pavlovo Apartment
- Pop Bogomil 18 Apartment
- Pop Bogomil 20 apartment
- Pop Bogomil 3 apartment
- Samuil Apartment
- Serup apartment
- 3-BEDROOM (1)
- by location...
- Centre
- Near Centre
- Suburbs